Underwire V Non-underwire…. a customer review

Petrece Kesha, completing the Half Ironman - what a woman!

Petrece Kesha, completing the Half Ironman – what a woman!

My name is Petrece Kesha, I am 41 and a big-busty runner.

I have been running, truly running for the past 3 years and have now completed a 10k, 3 Half Marathons, 3 Marathons and a Half Iron man with 2 Half Marathons and a Full Marathon in beautiful Queenstown, NZ  still on the calendar for this year.  During this time my bust has fluctuated from a 12E all the way up to a 14G and back again – I truly know the pain of “bouncing breasts” and the dreaded “bra burn”.  Running anywhere from 28 – 50km’s per week means I work my way through quite a few pairs of shoes and just as many sports bra’s but thanks to a recent trip to Melbourne I found my new best running friend – She Science.


I used the Shock Absorber in the Rotorua Marathon in May this year and broke the number one running rule by running in it for the first time.  It performed beyond my expectations as not only did I do my personal worst time thanks to an Achilles problem (6:08:54) meaning I was out there for a good hour longer (at least) I was well supported, comfortable and got through the 42.2km’s without the dreaded bra burn…a miracle!

I have also used the Berlei underwire (still can’t believe it) for a game of touch footy, yoga and a couple of my shorter runs too! I absolutely love it and I can’t believe I’m saying that about an underwire bra.  I’m so impressed with its comfort and performance that I’m ready to step it up and will wear it in the Taupo Half Marathon in August.

Tish and the She Science team are fantastic and if you are a runner it’s worth making a trip to Melbourne just to get fitted, the experience was comfortable and invaluable helping me to enjoy my running even more than usual.


“Thanks for your kind words Petrece, we are so glad to hear you’ve had success trying new styles and pushing your personal boundaries with bra selection” – Tish, She Science

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