Rosa Faia Twin Bra review

Rosa Faia Twin Bra review

Comfortable and clean cut. That’s how I would describe the Rosa Faia Twin Soft Cup underwire bra .

With sensibly wide straps, a deep neckline and a medium centre gore, the Twin is one of my favourite every day bras. It is incredibly soft to touch and is easy to forget about once you put it on. I love that you can’t see it under fine fabric shirts and dresses.

The closure in the back is deep, round and wide-set, which allows me to wear it with a variety or blouses. It is available in a nudes that match a variety of skin tones and sizes from C cup all the way to H!

This bra may not be everyone’s first pick however because there is no lining in the cup. Not that this takes away from the shapeliness or security of the bra, but some folks who prefer strong coverage of the nipples and areola may want to try another style. Having said that, a wise woman once said, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained!” Still not sure after trying?  In that case, I recommend checking out the Rosa Faia Contour Underwire available in store or online at She Science!


Get fitted in to the Rosa Faia Twin Bra

 Get fitted in to the Rosa Faia Twin Bra in store, with one of She Science's experienced bra fitters. Bookings essential, book online here.