My Moving Comfort Underwear review

*** UPDATE Moving Comfort undies are no longer in production. See here for the latest brands we now work with.


It was a girlfriend who first told me I just HAVE to get a pair of these ‘Rundies’ she picked up at a fun run in Melbourne late last year. Since that conversation I had heard a few other fellow fun-runners spreading the good word about Moving Comfort’s ‘Rundies’, so I picked myself up a pair at the Princess Park twilight run last month.  To be honest, I was seriously nervous about getting to know my new running partner, after all we were going to have a fairly intimate relationship from the get go! And here’s something you should know about my very personal underwear situation…  Being a genuine type A personality I am your stereotypical neurotic, creature of habit that is resistant to change. I can solemnly swear that for the past 7 years I have purchased only one variety of underwear, in two colour variations of course. My understanding partner can vouch for this!

So, since this review has made it to my blog it’s needless to say I was impressed. Very impressed! The recommendation was a good one. These have now officially made it on to my list of absolutely-no-doubt-about-it-must-have running accessories!

For most women the two most important features of workout underwear are unanimous. Avoiding underwear that rides up as you move and escaping the VPL (Visible Panty Line). I can assure you all, my experience with these Rundies did not leave me disappointed on either of these fronts.

They have used a mesh material around the back of the waist band which I assume is there to prevent those horrendous sweat marks that some ladies get around the top of their…err…butt cracks (is there a friendlier anatomical term for that?!). Regardless of its purpose, it’s nice! It adds to their weightless feel.

And they are not only light in weight. These are like one of those garments that you put on and you immediately forget that you are wearing. Helped by the fact that there are no irritating seams (like seriously, no irritating seams at all!) and the moisture wicking polyblend (80% Nylon, 20% Spandex) is a pleasure against the skin. My main gripe with modern day underwear is the firm elastics used around the edges of the garments that leave pressure marks and cause ingrown hairs around the bikini line – you won’t find any of those issues with these!

Looking at the overall cut, it’s clear these have been specifically designed for the active woman. I’ve seen a handful of running undies in my time that really are just a regular cut of underwear made with a more technical ‘sports’ material.  The entire garment has 20% Spandex through it so there is plenty of ‘freedom of movement’, as the materials stretch as you move.

Lastly, and for me this was the overall clincher, the waist band is wide enough to leave a flattering shape around your midsection. Hoorah! What an absolute blessing!

Whilst it was a somewhat challenging journey for me personally, I am pleased to introduce my Moving Comfort Rundies to my underwear collection. Now I just need to figure out where to store them… With my running gear, or my other undies?! I could wear these every day…

Click here to view our range of rundies.

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