How long will a Sports Bra last? The facts & figures.

This is something I get asked often. Very often. Sadly there is no easy answer, as it does depend on so many factors. Saying that, I will do my best to ‘ball park’ this timeline for you in this post.

But firstly, there are two things I should remind you of.

Your Sports Bra plays an important role in your exercise regime. It keeps you supported which in turn will improve your comfort, confidence and performance. The more we try and beat the daylights out of our number 1 training tool, the more we are sacrificing that comfort and support.

You also need to know it’s likely your Sports Bra will suffer a silent death. That means it may slip away without you even knowing. Of course I’m not talking about a washing machine kidnapping or anything of the sort. I’m exaggerating the point that the support, fit & overall functionality will fail much before the physical appearance of the bra. Like with a good pair of running shoes, if it’s falling apart or showing excessive wear then it’s likely you have way over stepped it’s spectrum of support!

Now we should all be fairly aware that a well made everyday bra should last between 6 months and a year depending of course on how often you wear and wash it. I always say, if you wear it twice a week and wash it once a week you should lay it to rest on it’s birthday!

Given the materials of a Sports Bra are generally firmer and more resistant to wear than an everyday Bra, and the engineering of the product is completely different all together then surely we should expect to get longer out of a properly fitted Sports Bra?!? WRONG, we wish that was the case!

Yes the materials are firmer, and it is specifically designed to endure the worst but sadly it is just that torment that ends up killing it quickly.

Most technical Sports Bra companies advise that their product should last about 6 months when being used for high impact activity three times a week. I tend to agree with this.

But something to take in to account is, if you increase that wear by only 1 extra session a week you will dramatically decrease the lifespan of the Bra. The reason for this is that there are elastic fibres in nearly all Sports Bra’s (especially the all important bra band) that become stressed and stretched with wear. If you do not give your bra adequate rest (we suggest 36 hours +) between uses then this elastic never relaxes back to its original state. It will wear much quicker this way. Likewise if your three days of activity are on Tues, Wed and Thurs you would expect to get less wear out of your Sports Bra, then if you exercised on Mon, Wed and Friday. Get it?!

As mentioned in a recent post on this blog their are a number of ways to improve the lifespan of your bra – see these tips here.

Visit us at She Science to be fitted for your best Sports Bra:


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