Avoiding bra chaffing during a Marathon

On top of a general feeling of lack lustre support, women often complain about chaffing with their previous Sports Bras. Thankfully there are a few simple rules to follow to help you avoid chaffing on your long runs.

Chaffing or as it is commonly referred to ‘Bra Burn’ is caused by friction, often made worse by moisture and stiff materials.

To reduce friction around the bra band (and less commonly the bra straps) the bra should fit firmly. Yes, FIRMLY. This ensures the bra won’t move as your body does, so the materials won’t rub against your skin.

Commonly we see women fit their bras with bra bands too big, and cup sizes too small. Don’t be afraid to take the bra fitters advice when it comes to adjusting your bra size to get the perfect fit. Women often shy away from going into a bra that will fit firmly against their already irritated skin, but I can assure you this is the only way forward if you had been fitting your bra band incorrectly.

Moisture build up is obviously difficult to conquer during endurance running, after all you are bound to sweat. Sports Bras that are lined with moisture wicking material, not cotton, will help to pull moisture away from the skin towards the outer layer of the garment where it can more easily evaporate.

By ‘wearing in’ your bra before a long run you can make sure that the firm materials are softened slightly to reduce your risk of a nasty bra burn episode.

Topical solutions like Body Glide, or something as simple as Bepanthen cream can also be applied to the area of irritation before a long run to help avoid chaffing.

Bottom line, for most people bra burn is easily avoided in a well-fitting bra. So head to the source of the problem before trying all the ‘band aid’ fixes.

We’re happy to help at our specialty Sports Bra store, She Science at 144a Cotham Road Kew, Melbourne.

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