Oxfam Trailwalker: Breast support during endurance walking

With the Melbourne Oxfam Trailwalker just around the corner we are starting to see a number of trail walkers in store requesting bra fittings for the event.

The gruelling 100km’s coupled with Melbourne’s fluctuating weather patterns can make for a treacherous journey. So complications with failing gear should be avoided at all costs.

Our best bra advice for such an endurance event include the following:


  1. Changing your bra during the event

Swapping your bra during the event may seem a little extreme to some. However, we strongly recommend it. By swapping between two entirely different bras you’ll completely change any areas of pressure caused by your bra. For example pressure around the shoulder straps caused by backpacks or repetitive micro pressure from underwire. Choose a racer back and traditional back to alter between.


2. Underwire V non underwire

Technically there’s no problem with wearing an underwire for an endurance event. But keep in mind, most women will wear an underwire bra for 14 – 16 hours a day, with an 8 – 10 hour rest period in the evening. Wearing an underwire for 36+ hours straight will build a far greater pressure than you’re used to in your everyday living. We recommend that you alternate an underwire with non-underwire bra during the event.


3. Chaffing could strike


Getting the perfect bra fit should eliminate chaffing or ‘bra burn’. However, these endurance events can change all that. Chaffing is caused by friction, and made worse by moisture. Moisture is very difficult to control in an endurance event, and friction can be difficult to avoid as materials stretch when they are worn for long periods. A bra that doesn’t typically cause you issues could strike out during a long event.  Make sure someone in your team is carrying Body Glide, Bepanthen or a similarly effective anti-chaffing balm and apply at the first sign of any chaffing (this usually presents as a ‘hot/burning spot’). Bra burn most commonly occurs around the hook and eye clasp, along the path of the underwire or the underarm crease.


4. Train in your bras


Just like you’ll be wearing in and testing out your shoes and socks, you should be doing the same with your Sports Bras. This is the only way to know what to expect on game day. You’ll be able to identify any areas of concern pre event if you’ve managed to test out your gear on your long training walks.


This year ALL of our staff will be volunteering at the Oxfam event in some capacity. We look forward to sharing the journey with the many customers we’ve been seeing in store.


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